Defend Your Business Against the Latest Cyber Threats
Utilizing AI-powered security across all edges, Tiaki's Secure Networking Technologies enable organisations address security holes and improve user experience.
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We Provide Professional
Security Solutions
- Cyber Security & Network Audit
- Deception
- Red Team Exercise
- Phishing Simulation
- Breach & Attack Simulation
VAPT is a comprehensive approach to security testing that can help organizations to proactively identify and address potential security risks. By conducting regular VAPT assessments, organizations can improve their overall security posture and better protect their valuable data and resources.
Cybersecurity and network audit are essential components of an organization’s overall IT security strategy. By implementing strong cybersecurity practices and conducting regular network audits, organizations can better protect their valuable data and resources from cyber threats and other security risks.
SIEM technology provides real-time monitoring and analysis of security-related events in an organization’s IT environment. It uses advanced analytics and machine learning algorithms to detect anomalous behavior and identify patterns that may indicate a security breach or attack.
Deception refers to the use of decoys or traps to mislead attackers and prevent or detect cyber threats. Deception techniques are designed to create a false sense of security for attackers by presenting them with decoy assets that appear to be legitimate targets.
SOAR platforms are designed to streamline security operations by integrating and automating a wide range of security tools and processes, including threat intelligence, vulnerability management, identity and access management, and incident response.
Red Team exercise involves a group of security professionals who are authorized to simulate an attack on an organization’s systems and processes. The goal of a Red Team exercise is to identify vulnerabilities in an organization’s security controls, policies, and procedures that could be exploited by real attackers.
Phishing simulation is a method of testing an organization’s susceptibility to phishing attacks by simulating such attacks in a controlled environment. The goal of a phishing simulation is to educate employees about the dangers of phishing and to help them recognize and avoid phishing attacks.
Breach and attack simulation (BAS) is a type of cybersecurity testing that simulates various attack scenarios. The goal of BAS is to help organizations identify weaknesses in their security posture and provide actionable insights to improve their cybersecurity readiness.
- Cyber Security & Network Audit
- Deception
- Red Team Exercise
- Phishing Simulation
- Breach & Attack Simulation
VAPT is a comprehensive approach to security testing that can help organizations to proactively identify and address potential security risks. By conducting regular VAPT assessments, organizations can improve their overall security posture and better protect their valuable data and resources.
Cybersecurity and network audit are essential components of an organization’s overall IT security strategy. By implementing strong cybersecurity practices and conducting regular network audits, organizations can better protect their valuable data and resources from cyber threats and other security risks.
SIEM technology provides real-time monitoring and analysis of security-related events in an organization’s IT environment. It uses advanced analytics and machine learning algorithms to detect anomalous behavior and identify patterns that may indicate a security breach or attack.
Deception refers to the use of decoys or traps to mislead attackers and prevent or detect cyber threats. Deception techniques are designed to create a false sense of security for attackers by presenting them with decoy assets that appear to be legitimate targets.
SOAR platforms are designed to streamline security operations by integrating and automating a wide range of security tools and processes, including threat intelligence, vulnerability management, identity and access management, and incident response.
Red Team exercise involves a group of security professionals who are authorized to simulate an attack on an organization’s systems and processes. The goal of a Red Team exercise is to identify vulnerabilities in an organization’s security controls, policies, and procedures that could be exploited by real attackers.
Phishing simulation is a method of testing an organization’s susceptibility to phishing attacks by simulating such attacks in a controlled environment. The goal of a phishing simulation is to educate employees about the dangers of phishing and to help them recognize and avoid phishing attacks.
Breach and attack simulation (BAS) is a type of cybersecurity testing that simulates various attack scenarios. The goal of BAS is to help organizations identify weaknesses in their security posture and provide actionable insights to improve their cybersecurity readiness.
Powerful Cyber Security Operation Center
Tiaki Cyber offers streamlined business security solutions that reduce compliance costs by automating a wide range of auditing, compliance, and protection for IT systems, applications and delivering vital security and information on demand. We leverage our world-class team of security consultants, threat hunters, and researchers as well as our market-leading security operations platform to tenaciously discover and isolate threats with the appropriate telemetry at the appropriate time for the appropriate reaction.
- 24/7 Support & Monitoring
- Scheduled Reporting
- Incident Response
- Routine Evaluations
- Updated Compliances
- Updated Threats
- Latest Rules
- Automation
- Open Threat Exchanges
- User Awareness Training
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Experts Help You to Enhance Your Cyber Defenses
Banking Security
In banking, it's crucial to protect the customers' assets. As more people become cashless, additional acts or transactions go online. People conduct transactions using digital payment methods like debit and credit cards, which must be protected by cyber security. As the industry is a high-value target for cyber attackers. By investing in cybersecurity, banks can identify and manage potential risks to their systems and operations.
- Protecting customer data
- Preventing financial fraud
- Improving regulatory compliance
- Enhancing customer experience
Manufacturing Security
Data, information, and technologies are used by manufacturers more and more to run their businesses. A difficult but essential part of running a corporation is protecting these assets against disclosure, modification, disruption, or improper usage. In order to manage their cybersecurity and privacy risks, manufacturers need advice, solutions, and training that are useful, actionable, affordable, and realistic given their competing priorities and limited resources.
- Protecting intellectual property
- Maintaining business continuity
- Improving regulatory compliances
- Enhancing product quality and safety
Oil and Gas
For the oil and gas sector, cybersecurity is crucial because it protects the sensitive data and operational technology that allow for the extraction, production, and transportation of oil and gas. Due to the high value of the data and systems they handle, the oil and gas industry is a popular target for cyberattacks. Investing in cybersecurity can help the oil and gas industry to protect critical infrastructure, reduce downtime, mitigate financial losses, enhance reputation, and meet regulatory requirements.
- Protecting critical infrastructure
- Preventing operational disruption
- Improving regulatory compliance
- Enhancing worker safety
It is common knowledge that insurance companies keep a lot of data about the people who possess their policies. Because of this behaviour, they are a target for online fraudsters. Attacks on the insurance sector are predicted to increase in intensity and frequently over time. As the industry is a high-value target for cyber attackers, by having strong cybersecurity measures in place, insurance companies can ensure that their services are available and reliable for customers.
- Protecting sensitive data
- Reducing financial losses
- Improving regulatory compliance
- Enhancing customer experience
Health professionals' access to patient data can be interfered with by cyberattacks, which may lead to severe medical mistakes or treatment gaps. Providers of care may suffer severe financial difficulties as well as damage to their reputation if they are unable to carry on with routine business operations because of information technology problems. The fast shift to electronic health records (EHRs) during the past ten years has increased the industry's vulnerability to information technology (IT).
- Protecting patient data
- Preventing medical identity theft
- Improving regulatory compliance
- Enhancing patient safety
“Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis dolor repellendus. Temporibus autem quibusdam et aut officiis debitis aut rerum necessitatibus saepe eveniet ut et voluptates repudiandae sint et molestiae non recusandae”
Peterson / Ceo & Founder
“Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis dolor repellendus. Temporibus autem quibusdam et aut officiis debitis aut rerum necessitatibus saepe eveniet ut et voluptates repudiandae sint et molestiae non recusandae”
Rensona / Ceo & Founder
“Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis dolor repellendus. Temporibus autem quibusdam et aut officiis debitis aut rerum necessitatibus saepe eveniet ut et voluptates repudiandae sint et molestiae non recusandae”
Markline / Ceo & Founder
Here Are the Most Common Questions From Clients
Cybersecurity is the process of preventing unwanted access, theft, and damage to computer systems, networks, and digital data. Organizations must put strong cybersecurity safeguards in place to protect themselves from online dangers including malware, phishing, hacking, and data breaches, which can cause serious financial and reputational harm.
Phishing attacks, malware, ransomware, social engineering attacks, insider threats, and supply chain attacks are some of the most serious cyberthreats affecting organisations worldwide.
Strong passwords, two-factor authentication, routine software and security patch updates, firewall, and antivirus software implementation, regular employee training on cybersecurity best practices, and creating an incident response plan are just a few ways to protect an organization from cyber threats.
If an organization suspects that it has been the victim of a cyber attack, it should follow its incident response plan, which may include isolating affected systems, containing the attack, and reporting the incident to relevant authorities.
An organization's incident response plan outlines the steps it will take in the event of a cybersecurity incident or breach. In order to reduce the harm and disruption brought on by a cyber attack and to aid the organisation in recovering as quickly as possible, it is crucial to have an incident response strategy in place.
Strong access controls, sensitive data encryption, regular data backups, and activity monitoring are all measures to secure data and avoid data breaches.